
Overcome the “Does This Stuff Really Work?” Objection

Use this advice to open the minds of prospects who question the value of promo products.

In a perfect world, every prospect would recognize the marketing power of promotional products. But, of course, we live here on planet Earth. Some potential customers that could benefit from branded items need a little help to see the light. Here are three tips for enlightening doubting Thomases.

1. Share Testimonials:
Create short testimonial videos featuring clients talking about your superior service and solutions. Post these videos on your website and social media pages, and share them with prospects through presentations and email. Even if you don’t shoot videos, you can still post/share/present written testimonials from clients. Featuring a headshot of the client along with his quote or written account helps enhance the positive impression on prospects.

2. Demonstrate Real-World Results:
Illustrate the value of the products and services you provide with case studies that detail specific sales where you helped fuel a client’s success. Again, feature the accounts on your website, blog, social media pages, and in presentations to prospects. In the case studies, outline the particular client’s challenge/objective and relate how your consultative service and solutions helped achieve desired ends. Be succinct and specific. Wherever possible, quantify the client’s ROI.

3. Paint the Big Picture:
Go beyond accounts from your own experience and share industry-wide statistics like the ones below from ASI. They help broadly convey that promotional products are a strong advertising medium.