
Top 40 Suppliers 2022: No. 2 alphabroder

Counselor’s exclusive ranking of the suppliers with the most revenue in the promotional products industry.


It was a year of recovery and change for alphabroder, with the biggest coming at the top with the promotion of Dan Pantano to president and CEO in April 2021 after Norm Hullinger’s departure. The supplier increased revenue 11.1% compared to the previous year – positive growth it attri­butes to the reduction in COVID restrictions and gradual return of events. To help guard against supply chain uncertainties, alphabroder has worked to build delay expectations into its importing model, bringing larger quan­tities of inventory to North America farther in advance than prior to the pandemic. Also of note: The supplier launched its Green Team Initiative, an environmental, social and governance corporate (ESG) platform to ensure its sustainability practices are meaningful and measurable.

Previous Rank: 2

2021 Revenue: $1,700.0

All revenue figures shown in $millions

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