
Top 40 Distributors 2017: No. 20 Safeguard Business Systems

Counselor’s exclusive ranking of the distributors with the most revenue in the promo products market.

Safeguard Business Systems (asi/316203)

Safeguard makes the biggest jump in rankings this year after giving sales guidance that pushes its 2016 revenue toward $100 million. The firm’s revenue growth since 2012 – when its sales were under $100K – is unprecedented.

Top 40 Distributors 2017: No. 20 Safeguard Business Systems

2016 Rank: 28

2016 Revenue: $86.0 (estimate)

2015 Revenue: $66.0 (estimate)

Percent change: 30.3%

Five-year growth rate: 239K%

Top Officer: Forrest Fairley