
How to Sell Six Orders a Day

1. Generate Referrals
About one in four of your orders needs to be from referrals; you can’t just sell brand-new orders all the time. You need to have repeats and people calling or emailing you wanting to buy something from you because they were referred by one of your customers.

2. Be Responsible
This means you’ve got to pay your supplier invoices. Answer your emails from suppliers, too, because to sell multiple orders, you have to have a supplier help you, and they won’t help you if you’re stiffing them or slow in paying them.

3. Be the Best at Following Up
You have to wow customers with your follow-up skills. People will call and call you if you follow up with them. Don’t leave them hanging. Call them back or email in an expedient manner. Stop by and bring samples. And be sure to thank them.

4. Expand Your Customer Base
To sell multiple orders, you need to have a broad customer base. Create that using targeted mailing programs. Back when USB memory pens were hot, one distributor sent out a card for a free gift and got over a 15% response rate. Right now, you could do a program with power banks or fidgets. I guarantee a high percentage of people will respond.

5. Be a Rush Order Expert
The Amazon Effect affects all of us. Everything in life is a rush order and everybody wants it now. You’ve got to be a rush order expert to be able to handle rush orders, because if you do, your customers will come to you over and over again.