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For our cover story package on wearable technology, we made a quantum leap with our...
Music acts have long turned to screen prin...
One of the biggest and least understood...
Branded apparel hits the campaign trail, w...
Retro styling has been in vogue for several seasons, but rather than petering out as...
Cardigans gave Fall/Winter 2014-2015 Fashion Week an extra cozy and majestic feel....
When the term "normcore" first appeared in 2013, its inventors attempted to describe...
From Chanel's metallic pink running suit to Dior's cotton-candy-hued fur trenchcoat,...
Brights aren't the only thing still...
Decoration methods are poised to take a ne...
Nano science can change the world, but its...
NFC is turning tees and polos into virtual...
Activity trackers have become an essential...
Google Glass and other eyewear tech can re...
The next revolution in apparel? Digital clothing that will forever alter branding and r...
If you're looking to grow business over the next year, T-shirts are your best bet....
Up your game by selling fashionable premium athleticwear – it’s a $97 billion market at...
Jackets today aren't just about a particular fiber (such as nylon vs. poly). What...
Forget somber colors for fall and winter. This year's cool season will be full of hot...
Did you know that there are over 5,000 aprons from ESP-listed suppliers? They come in...
It's fair to say that women primarily drive demand for fashion. Therefore most people...